English Phonetics and Pronunciation » Tips and Tricks». (Presencial)

Escuelas Católicas Murcia
C/ Pintor Pedro Flores 32
30011 Murcia
Ponentes de la academia One Way y Yes, serán los encargados de llevar a cabo la formación cuyo objetivo será el perfeccionamiento de la pronunciación de profesores -no nativos- de nuestros centros escolares en las diferentes etapas.
English Phonetics and Pronunciation » Tips and Tricks»
Introduction: Hello and welcome to this course on English phonetics. My name is Iggy and I will take you on a journey through some of the aspects of the sounds that make up the English language, together with the rules and the many, many exceptions we can find. We will talk about the different consonant and vocalic sounds, words in isolation and connected speech and we will put everything into practice with dynamic activities such as tongue twisters, speeches and real-life conversations. I’m really excited to meet you all and to get started.
About the teacher : My name is Iggy, I studied a degree in English in English studies and I specialised in linguistics, more concretely in English Phonetics and Phonology. Since I officially finished my degree in 2016,
I´ve been teaching all facets of English as a second language to the highest of standards.
Cualquier etapa educativa interesados en el mismo, con un nivel B2 para poder seguir el curso de manera cómoda.
Escuelas Católicas Murcia
Departamento Pedagógico – Pastoral
Programa BEDA Murcia
C/ Pintor Pedro Flores, 32 30011 Murcia
Telf. 968 350 839; Fax 968 352 846
Rebeca Ruiz (
Departamento de Administración y Gestión
Pablo García (